Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mitsubishi i Miev Sports Concept

Mitsubishi unveiled i Miev Sport concept at the 2007 Tokyo auto show. i Miev Sport has a simple and fluid exterior and interior design, the layout provides optimal distribution of weight. This futuristic electric car has a sporty performance and spacious interior. This concept car has an aluminum space frame body structure to minimize it’s weight. i Miev also has three permanent magnetic synchronous motors. As environmental considerations, on the roof of i Miev sport an auxiliary photovoltaic generator was installed for energy saving.

i Miev has a sporty, spacious and dynamic interior. The interior gives the security and comfort feelings to the user. Mitsubishi also gives excellent occupant protection from collisions from any direction, even when colliding with a vehicle of different height or weight.

i Miev Sport Specifications :

Introduced at : 2007 Tokyo Auto Show

Dimensions :

length ; width ; height : 3,450 [mm] ; 1,600 [mm] ; 1,400 [mm]

Body Weight : 970 kg

Body Structure : aluminum space frame

Engine :

Motors : Permanent magnetic synchronous motors

Front : In-wheel motors

Rear : Single motor

Max. output Front : 20kW 2; Rear: 47kW

Max. torque Front : 250 Nm 2; Rear: 180 Nm

Range (10-15 Mode) : 200km

Max. Speed : 180km/h

Wheelbase : 2,550 [mm]

Track (F/R) : 1,405/1,405 [mm]

Tires : 175/40R17

Interior :

Seating capacity : 2 + 2

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Membeli Mobil Wajib NPWP

Pembeli mobil wajib ber-NPWP

JAKARTA: Pendaftaran pertama surat tanda nomor kendaraan/buku pemilik
kendaraan bermotor untuk mobil baru senilai Rp250 juta ke atas yang
diwajibkan mencantumkan nomor pokok wajib pajak (NPWP), segera
diberlakukan kendati baru di wilayah DKI Jakarta.

Direktur Intensifikasi dan Ekstensifikasi Direktorat Jenderal Pajak
Hartoyo mengatakan pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut tinggal menunggu surat
keputusan (SK) dari Gubernur DKI Jakarta.

"Karena kebijakan ini sebenarnya merupakan inisiatif dari Pemprov DKI
Jakarta. Jadi berlakunya menunggu SK Gubernur. Mungkin minggu-minggu ini
launching-nya oleh Pak Gubernur," ungkapnya kepada Bisnis, kemarin.

Hartoyo menuturkan terkait dengan hal itu Ditjen Pajak akan membangun
counter pajak di setiap kantor Sistem Administrasi Manunggal di bawah
Satu Atap di seluruh DKI Jakarta guna memudahkan teknis pelaksanaan dari
ketentuan tersebut.

"Aturan teknisnya di pemprov tapi nanti setiap Kanwil [Ditjen Pajak]
juga akan mengirimkan mobil pajak keliling, kalau counter tidak cukup."

Asas keadilan

Menurut dia, tujuan diberlakukannya aturan tersebut adalah demi asas
keadilan, di mana selama ini ternyata banyak pemilik mobil senilai Rp250
juta ke atas yang tinggal di rumah susun. Padahal, hunian itu
diperuntukkan bagi lapisan masyarakat kelas menengah ke bawah. "Tapi
kenyataannya banyak orang yang tinggal di rusun tapi punya mobil mahal,"

Selain itu, katanya, pemberlakuan aturan itu juga untuk meningkatkan
kepemilikan NPWP serta penerimaan PPh [pajak penghasilan] orang pribadi
di Pemprov DKI Jakarta.

Dengan demikian, secara tidak langsung melalui aturan tersebut akan ada
penambahan basis pajak terutama dari wajib pajak orang pribadi yang
selama ini belum tersentuh oleh Ditjen Pajak.

Hartoyo mengutarakan selama ini jenis PPh orang pribadi menyumbang
sekitar 20% atau Rp4 triliun sampai Rp5 triliun dari total penerimaan
pajak APBD DKI Jakarta. Oleh karena itu, potensi dari jenis pajak
tersebut masih dapat dioptimalkan lagi melalui aturan tersebut pada masa
mendatang .

Lebih jauh Hartoyo mengharapkan agar aturan tersebut dapat juga
diberlakukan pemprov lain di seluruh Indonesia. "Tapi [pemberlakuan
aturan itu] bergantung pada respons dan kreativitas pemprov yang
bersangkutan," tuturnya.

Direktur Penyuluhan, Pelayanan, dan Humas Ditjen Pajak Djoko Suryoputro
sebelumnya menyatakan telah mengantongi data kepemilikan dan pembelian
mobil yang bernilai ratusan juta rupiah ke atas.

Data ini akan digunakan sebagai data cross check kebenaran data surat
pemberitahuan wajib pajak. (Bisnis, 22 Desember 2008). (15)

Source : Bisnis Indonesia

Sunday, January 18, 2009

10 Jam tangan yang paling susah dibaca

Gan, kalo temen lo nanya "jam berapa sekarang?" pasti dalam waktu 1-2 detik lo bisa bales "jam 3 lewat 15" ato apalah, tp kalau pake jam ini, beuhhh pasti lebih Gan. Ini ada top ten jam paling ribet buat dibaca (Sori Gan banyak bacot ama english, itung2 latian dikit"

1. Equalizer High Frequency 2

All right, let’s start with an easy one: the new High Frequency 2, the second Tokyoflash watch to use an Equalizer theme. You’ve got to be quick to read the time: the display pushes up the top row of lights, which then float back down like an equalizer graph to indicate the time for just 5 seconds.

Technically speaking, High Frequency 2 is actually a pretty advanced watch: it is an advanced LCD that uses just 1 LED to light the entire watch, so its power consumption is very low.

2. e35 JLr7

Look carefully, and you’ll find out why this watch, made by Eri & Eiichi or e35, is named the JLr7 (just look at the top row of the watch).

When you want to find what time it is, just press the button to watch a grid of L-shaped notches come to life. The hours, minutes, and seconds are encoded in a geometric pattern.

The first two rows, comprised of 12 lights, tell the hour. The next three lights are increments of 15 minutes, and the next 14 lights are 1 minute each. The last 3 are seconds (those tick by quickly!)

Here’s a handy dandy cheat sheet on how to tell time with an e35 JLr7:

3. Oberon

This one is stylish and geeky! The Oberon watch uses concentric rings to tell the time. Each LED on the outer ring indicates 1 hour. The LEDs on the second ring are 1 minute each, and those on the inner (or third) ring are 10 minutes each.

Thankfully, the LEDs are positioned just like the numerals on a regular watch face, so it’s really quite easy to tell the time.

4. e35 Geomesh

Let’s step it up a notch: another watch by e35 is the Geomesh, where you have to count the vertical lights to figure out the hours and the horizontal lights for the minutes (either 5 minutes or 1 minute increments, depending on where the lights are).

Here’s the chart:

Let’s try to figure out the example on the left. There are 9 horizontal (green) lights, so it’s 9 o’clock. 5 lights x 5 minutes each + 4 lights x 1 minute each = 29.

The time is 9:29. Pretty straight forward, right?

5. Eleeno Kion Elite

Just when you thought that there’s a familiar clock hand pointing out the time, you’ve just underestimated the Kion Elite by Eleeno. If you look closer, you’ll find that there’s only ONE clock hand - and it’s telling the minutes!

So how do we figure out the hour? Turns out, it’s the background of the watch: the pattern will "point out" what hour it currently is (7:50 in the image above).

6. Tokyoflash 1000100101

If you look closely, you’ll probably see this watch on a Sci-Fi movie from the 1960s about the future. Besides looking cool (the colored LEDs blink a LOT!), this watch will make you do math.

Every time you want to figure out what time it is, you have to do a mental arithmetic: The first LED is 10 hours, then the next 9 is worth 1 hour each. The next 5 are 10 minutes, then the last 9 are 1 minute each.

So, 11:35 is 1000+100+30+5. And who said you’ll never use math in real life!

7. Radioactive Active Reactor

By now, you should already pick up a pattern: Tokyoflash watches want you to do math to figure out the time. Nothing fancy, just a little addition.

Active Reactor by Radio Active adds a little humor to the math: the hour is marked on the "Danger" bar (with the Warning button signifying the 6 hour mark.

Oh, and another thing. This watch you simply don’t wear in an airport.

8. Shinshoku

The Shinshoku is a continuous stainless steel band that wraps around your wrist with a matrix of punched out holes. In what constitutes the front part of the band, the holes are filled with 29 LEDs that illuminate to tell the time.

In the multi-color version, 12 red LEDs indicate the hour, 3 green LEDs indicate quarter hours, and 14 yellow ones are 1 minute each. But first, as if the whole thing isn’t cool enough, the lights cascade to make the final time-giving formation.

The watch above, for example, shows 8:35.

9. Kyokusen

In Japanese, kyokusen means curved line, which is a big part of the watch face. The line tells the hour part of the time: each lit segment of the curve indicates one hour.

The circular array of lights are the minutes. But here’s the twist: each dot in the outer ring is 5 minutes, and the 4 inner dots are 1 minute each.

So, the watch to the left shows 10: 24.

10. Twelve 5-9 Q version

If a Cylon Centurion wore a watch, I betcha the Twelve 5-9 Q version would be it.

The watch just oozes that creepy cool "biomechanical" feel: the watch face has a contoured undulating effect. Peering through five tiny strips are 26 very bright multi-colored LEDs.

Like its name implies, the watch uses the 12-5-9 method (12 hours, 5×10 minutes, 9 single minutes) to tell the time. Moving clockwise, the first two lines of the LEDs show the hours. The next line is the minutes up to 50, with each glowing LED showing 10 minutes. The final two lines are the single minutes, with one LED for each minute.

Got it? i didn’t either … but it sure looks cool!

asal muasal:

Friday, January 16, 2009

2008 Toyota Corolla

2008 Toyota Corolla2008 Toyota Corolla

2008 Toyota Corolla images2008 Toyota Corolla images

2008 Toyota Corolla interior2008 Toyota Corolla interior

2008 Volkswagen GTI View

Angelina Jolie hot picture2008 Volkswagen GTI View

2008 Volkswagen GTI2008 Volkswagen GTI

2008 Volkswagen GTI images2008 Volkswagen GTI images

2008 Volkswagen R32 images

2008 Volkswagen R32 images2008 Volkswagen R32 images

Angelina Jolie hot picture2008 Volkswagen R32

2008 Volkswagen R32 interior2008 Volkswagen R32 interior

2009 Nissan Maxima View

2009 Nissan Maxima View2009 Nissan Maxima View

2009 Nissan Maxima2009 Nissan Maxima

2009 Nissan Maxima interior2009 Nissan Maxima interior

New McLaren MP4-24

Thursday, January 15, 2009

*^ enam tahun sudah ^*

pagi ini gw bangunin opiex dengan menciumi pipinya dan berucap :
Glitter Text Generator at
dia bangun dengan tersenyum .. trus peluk gw dan bilang .. :
makasih ya pa....
trus gw tanya :
umurnya berapa tahun sih sekarang ?
6 tahun ... * dijawab dengan tegas ... tanpa keraguan ....

opiex sudah besar ...
dia melakukan aktivitas paginya dengan sempurna ..
sampai terakhir gw mengantarnya kesekolah ...

dijalan dia mengeluh... :
'pa .. kancing celana ku lepas ..
wajahnya tampak sedih dan kesel ..
sampai akhirnya gw bilang ke dia bahwa akan
gw benerin celananya pake peniti di warung depan sekolah ..
wajahnya masih sedikit kesal..
tapi kembali ceria saat gw berhasil memasang peniti dicelananya ..

segera dia mencium tangan gw dan berucap :
Assalamualaikum pa...
gw cium kening nya dan membalas ... :
Wa'alaikum salam sayang ...
dia berlari kesekolahnya ...
dan gw merasa sempurna sebagai "seseorang" ...
setidaknya pagi ini ....

selamat ulang tahun, nak...
ku titipkan berjuta asa padamu..

tapi kau tak perlu khawatir
saat sinarmu redup sekalipun,
kau tetap matahari ku ..

aku akan terus menyusuri sungai mu
hingga kau sampai ke samudra mu

penuhi bumi ini dengan air mu
biarkan semua mereguk,
menikmati segar air mu
itu akan menjadikan hatimu surga ...

Nissan Pivo 2 Concept

Nissan Pivo 2 concept was unveiled at the 2007 Tokyo Auto Show. It runs on compact Lithium-ion battery. Nissan Pivo 2 has a rotating cabin and wheels that can rotate 360 degrees, this feature allows easy parking. This cool car also has a Robotic Agent, robotic agent is a voice recognizing interface. This feature allows the car to detect and conclude the driver’s mental state by facial expressions and by voice patterns. With this robotic agent you could ask for directions or the nearest parking space or even basic vehicle functions. This feature is available in English and Japanese languages.

The design of Pivo 2 is very unique and futuristic, it has a round dome as it’s main shape with four small wheels. The chassis of the car doesn't have a front or back, instead the dome revolves, letting the driver face whichever direction needs to be front. The Interior of the car also has a dome shape and the dashboard looks like a toy car.

Nissan Pivo 2 Specifications:

Introduced at : 2007 Tokyo Auto Show

Engine : Energy consumption of a conventional lightweight vehicle

Torque equivalent : V8 4.5L engine (528Nm) (twice the torque output of a conventional electric motor)

Power equivalent : 2.5L engine .

Battery : The new lithium-ion battery (twice the energy density of conventional batteries

Brake : Regenerative braking (Battery capacity has doubled and energy efficiency is improved by better response to regenerative braking).

Special Features :

Robotic Agent : Inferring a driver’s mental state by facial expressions and by voice patterns

Metamo System : a new concept which enables independent control of each wheel (The angles and position of the wheels are controlled to ensure an even load across the chassis to match driving conditions. This optimizes load distribution and ensures stability with minimum body movement during acceleration, deceleration, braking and cornering). The use of In-wheel 3D Motors and X by-Wire technologies.

New Toyota TF109






Wednesday, January 14, 2009